Saturday, August 22, 2009

Minnesota Dance Team Hosts 3rd Annual Alumni Event

The 2009-2010 Dance Team hosted a potluck for the alumni at the Williams Arena club room. We began the night by greeting the alumni and looking through old scrapbooks and national's photos. We could not deny the overwhelming presence of the TCF Bank Stadium through the floor to ceiling windows. You could feel the excitement from the alumni for us and yet a hint of envy that they wish they too could perform at the new stadium this fall.

After dinner, we watched videos from previous teams dating back to 1960 along with national's performances with rare moments without commentary. My favorite part of the evening was a question and answer session with the alumni. Their sincere passion for the team couldn't help but excite the new team. We were surrounded by a group of remarkable women that truly inspired me to strive for success in the coming years on both dance team and in life. They stressed the importance of setting goals and making plans of how to achieve those goals. I tried to soak up all the helpful advice that they all shared.

After the potluck came to a close, the current team wrote our mission statement for the upcoming year. Our evening with the alumni motivated us in writing our mission statement. We value the legacy that our alumni have created for us, and we want to carry on that legacy and live up to the standards they have set. Thank you to all the alumni who came on Friday, we are so thankful to have you as such an active part of our current program. We hope to see much more of you!

-Sarah Bucka, 1st year member

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